
学生的行为 & Rights


校董会承认,作为巴特-格伦社区学院区的公民, 学生是免费的, 个人和集体, 表达他们的兴趣. 学院的学生享有一定的权利和特权, 除了学习的自由. However, 这些特权使他们有义务尊重他人的权利和特权, 并有义务遵守学院制定的规章制度, 它的各个机构, 及其代理人.


E世博ESBALL,学生诚信是一种期望,也是成功的重要组成部分. 学生应努力在学业上保持较高的道德标准, 作为校园社区的一员, 在他们的个人生活中. It is critical that students understand this responsibility and that they act with integrity in all their intellectual pursuits. The responsibility to act in an ethical manner is fundamental in the search for knowledge and failure to maintain high ethical standards may result in disciplinary action. 


The Butte-Glenn 社区 College District believes that each student has an earnest purpose and that students will adhere to acceptable standards of personal conduct. 培养负责任的学生行为, 纪律处分程序的作用基本上次于以身作则, 咨询, 和警告. 在特殊情况下, when these preferred means fail to produce student acceptance of responsibility commensurate with student freedom, due process shall be observed to protect the student from the unfair and arbitrary imposition of serious penalties. 学院制定了保护学生权利的程序. 这些程序所保护的权利包括, 但不限于, those guaranteed by the established rules and regulations of the Butte-Glenn 社区 College District, 《加州教育法典, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 以及1973年康复法案第504条. The Superintendent/President is authorized to suspend any student for good cause for an indefinite period of time as prescribed by code. 有关学生行为的查询, rights, 纪律处分程序应直接通知学生教务处. 电话:(530)895-2949地点:主校区-校园中心(CC) 141室.


以下几类行为构成采取纪律处分的充分理由. 不当行为包括但不限于以下几类:

不诚实 这包括作弊、抄袭或故意向学院提供虚假信息.

作弊 This is the willful and intentional fraud and deception for the purpose of improving a grade or obtaining course credit, and includes all behavior by a student which is intended to gain unearned academic advantage by fraudulent and/or deceptive means. 如果指控被提出并被证实, 后果很严重, 从个别课程不及格到被学院长期停学.

Forgery 这包括修改或签发学院的文件、记录或身份证明.

阻塞/中断 这包括阻碍或扰乱教学, research, 计算服务, 政府, 纪律程序, 或其他学院活动, 包括公共服务职能和其他学院授权的活动.

身体虐待 This includes the physical abuse of any person on College-owned or controlled property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions, 或威胁或危害该人健康的行为.

产权/损坏 这包括学院的印刷或软件材料, 大学社区的一员, 或者一个校园访客.

政策/法规违反 这包括违反学院政策或校园规定, 包括有关学生组织注册的规定, 使用学院的设施, 或者时间, place, 以及公开表达的方式.

酒精和/或麻醉品 这包括使用, 占有, sale, or distribution of narcotics or other restricted drugs and alcoholic beverages on campus or at College-sponsored activities.

歧视 这包括种族歧视, color, creed, 性取向, age, 身体或精神残疾, 资深地位, 政治立场, ancestry, religion, 国家的起源, 婚姻状况, 或任何其他受保护的特征.

骚扰 这包括对学生或员工的骚扰和性骚扰.


定义为 董事会政策5500, the Superintendent/President shall establish procedures for the imposition of discipline on students in accordance with the requirements for due process of the federal and state law and regulations. 的目的 行政手续5500 是定义构成惩戒的正当理由的行为, 包括但不限于移除, 悬架, 或者开除学生. 的目的 行政程序5520 是提供一个迅速和公平的方法来处理违反学生行为标准的行为. 董事会政策5500和行政程序5500和5520规定了不当行为的定义, 纪律处分的定义, 并概述纪律聆讯程序. 涉及学生的纪律处分主要由学生主任负责. 有关学生行为的查询, rights, 纪律处分程序应直接通知学生教务处. 电话:(530)895-2949地点:主校区-校园中心(CC) 141室.


申诉或投诉行动可以由一个学生对另一个学生发起, 一个教练, 或管理员, 或任何其他地区雇员, 学院可以对学生提出申诉. The following list indicates acts that are grounds for grievance: a) Violation of student rights; b) Act or threat of intimidation or harassment by a District employee or by a student; and c) Act or threat of physical aggression by a District employee or by a student.

  • View 行政程序5530, 学生的权利和委屈, 因涉及侵犯学生权利的投诉或不满.

  • View AP 3400, 不歧视和禁止骚扰, for complaints or grievances involving discrimination or harassment on the basis of any protected class.

Contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance with grievances or complaints applicable to the grounds for grievance as listed above in (a), (b), 或(c)不属于行政程序5530或3400的. 电话:(530)895-2949地点:主校区-校园中心(CC) 141室.


学生们应该首先尝试和他们的导师一起制定一个解决方案. Student complaints regarding an associate faculty member should be referred to the Department Chair for that department. Student complaints regarding a full-time faculty member should be referred to the Dean for the department. 如果你不确定, 或者不知道你的老师是兼职还是全职, 你的投诉可以提交给主管该部门的院长. 如果你想挑战自己的成绩,请参阅课程目录中的成绩挑战. 对于在线课程的学生,请遵循相同的程序. 对于参加有手册或手册的特定课程的学生, 参考这些文件中概述的程序,因为它们可能与本程序不同. 如果投诉是关于残疾的住宿, 请联系残疾学生项目和服务办公室, SAS 238, (530) 895-2455.


参与任何形式的欺侮都是轻罪. Hazing is defined as "Any method of initiation into a student organization or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization which causes, 或可能导致, 对任何学生或其他在学院的人造成身体伤害的危险."


Butte College's Main Campus and Chico Center Campus are designated as non-smoking campuses except in designated areas. 在主校区,所有未开发的区域都禁止吸烟. 除指定区域外,校内禁止吸烟. 在所有租赁设施中,吸烟政策由当地政府决定. 比特县法令. 3039, 《在工作场所及封闭公众场所吸烟的规管》 禁止在所有公共场所和工作场所吸烟. 格伦县条例. 1011, “在公共建筑和车辆中控制烟草制品的使用,” 禁止在任何公共场所、建筑物或车辆内吸烟. State Health and Safety Code makes it unlawful for any person to smoke in any public transportation vehicle. 公共汽车装车区是禁烟区. 按此查看两个指定吸烟区的地图.


根据公法101-226, 《e世博官方网站》, the 校董会 of the Butte-Glenn 社区 College District prohibits the unlawful 占有, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students or employees on Butte College property and as part of any Butte College sponsored or sanctioned activity. 任何违反本政策的学生或员工都将受到纪律处分, 并包括, 驱逐 from Butte College or termination of employment for violations of the standards of conduct. The decision to take disciplinary action in any instance rests with the Superintendent/President of Butte College. 拥有, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages by anyone on Butte College-controlled property is a misdemeanor as per California Business Code 25608 (community college) and a violation of the Standards of 学生的行为. The use, sale or 占有 of any illegal drug is a violation of state law and any person found in violation may be subject to arrest by federal, state, local, 或者校园执法部门. Criminal prosecution is separate from any administrative discipline that may be imposed by the District.


校董会致力于为学生提供一个无毒的工作环境, staff, 以及E世博ESBALL的教职员工. This concern with the use of illegal substances and the inappropriate use of alcohol and other controlled substances is demonstrated by using the resources appropriate to each segment of the campus community. The goal is to maximize student and staff potential through the provision of resources which will empower them to make informed decisions about substance use and abuse and enable them to be healthy and productive. 药物滥用委员会, 由全体教员组成, staff, 和学生, will be a standing committee with the specific task of developing procedures to implement this policy. 该委员会只对校长/校长和校董会负责.


Use, 占有 or distribution of narcotics or other restricted drugs and alcoholic beverages on campus is subject to disciplinary actions.


在校园或学校赞助的活动中滥用药物或酒精可能导致停学, 驱逐, 或者刑事起诉. 学生们应该知道这些处罚. 持有或使用酒精:一年监禁和/或罚款. 未成年人持有或使用酒精:一年监禁和/或罚款. Possession of marijuana -- less than 1 oz: a fine; -- more than 1 oz: county jail and/or fine. 持有可卡因:监禁一年.
学生必须在E世博ESBALL发生后五天内报告任何定罪. 如果学生是学生雇员,他们的雇佣可能会被终止. 学生将没有资格获得经济援助.
